The Progressive EDOF IOL: One Year Later

The Mini WELL IOL (SIFI Medtech), the first progressive aspheric intraocular lens (IOL), incorporates a novel optical design to provide an extended depth of focus (EDOF) from distance to near vision. Published results from in vitro studies show that the Mini WELL delivers good optical quality at distance, intermediate, and near foci and offers some performance benefits when compared with trifocal IOLs and an extended range of vision IOL.

Eurotimes supplement – Mini Well
The Progressive EDOF IOL: One Year Later

New Preclinical Optical Assessments David P Piñero PhD (Alicante – Spain)
Multifocality: Which Place for the Depth of Focus IOLs? Pascal Rozot MD (Marseille – France)
Clinical results on Mini WELL and predictors of visual performance G. Savini MD (Bologna – Italy)
Case selection for the Mini WELL extended depth of focus IOL  E. Ng MD (Dublin – Ireland)
Halo and glare assessment with the Mini WELL EDOF IOL G. Auffarth MD, PhD (Heidelberg – Germany)

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Dr. Carmelo Chines
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