New EDOF IOLs for presbyopia correction

High-tech IOLs, which all of us just know as Premium IOLs, are the last frontier of modern cataract refractive surgery. A few questions to prof. Gianni Alessio.

High-tech IOLs, which all of us just know as Premium IOLs, are the last frontier of modern cataract refractive surgery (see article New IOLs: tomorrow is already today).
For an answer to the hottest questions and some tips about the latest novelties we have invited some opinion leaders who are in the lime-light both of the scientific debate and of the surgical practice.
We start with Prof. Gianni Alessio, Director of the Ophthalmological Clinic of Bari University

 According to your experience which factors have the greatest influence on postoperative outcomes of cataract refractive surgery with EDOF IOL for presbyopia treatment?
G. Alessio: A regular prolate cornea is the main condition for the best IOL performance. Another positive factor is a pupil that is not too small.

Which characteristics of last generation EDOF IOLs mark an important progress?
G. Alessio: The absence of halos is a big step forward. Highly myopic young patients implanted with Mini WELL do not complain about any kind of problem and they are really satisfied with the achieved visual results.

Which obstacles mainly hinder a wide spread of EDOF IOLs?
G. Alessio: The obstacles currently limiting the spread of the IOLs with Extended depth of Focus are the presence of other ocular diseases in the patients undergoing cataract surgery and the high costs.
If these IOLs should cost as much as monofocal IOLs, how many of them would be implanted?

We leave to our Readers the answer to this question left open by prof. Gianni Alessio.

Gianni Alessio
Professor of Ophthalmology since 1991, Gianni Alessio is currently the Director of the Ophthalmology Clinics and of the Residency Program in Ophthalmology at Bari University.
He is specialised in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases involving the ocular surface, the cornea, the lens and the retina.
A special focus for prof. Alessio is the treatment of ametropias.
As a researcher prof. Alessio is engaged in a series of clinical trials related to cataract, refractive surgery and keratoconus treatment.
He is very active in publishing scientific papers and in the main ophthalmological societies.
He is a member of the Technical – Scientific board of AICCER (Italian Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgery).

Read the Italian version of this interview

For further information:
Innovative IOLs: tomorrow is already today
New horizons in presbypia surgery
Biometry and success in cataract refractive surgery
Presbyopia and economic growth

Dr. Carmelo Chines
Direttore responsabile

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